Goals - round 1

Goals - round 1
plans and goals and lists

Goals can be effective tools to help accomplish (or "manifest") your dreams and desires. A lot of studies have been done on goals, and they find the most effective goals are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or Actionable), Relevant, and Time-bound.

To me, that means the most effective goals are short-term - no more than medium-term - in effort and should be easy enough to accomplish. That's why I setup my plans and desires into:

1) Objectives (long-term and broad);

2) Milestones (medium-term, concentrated, major accomplishments); and

3) Goals (shorter-term, steps along the way of reaching a milestone).

man chiseling a statue
chipping away to greatness

My immediate focused goals, aligned to milestones.

  1. Build security review site/service: Get proficient with React.
    ** Complete at least one React class and related projects by 3/20
  2. Closeout sniping bot experiments: Test on BSC, Base, Polygon, and Avalanche chains.
    ** Migrate my bot to one other chain and test by 3/30
  3. Clean house: take all staged boxes to storage by 3/17
  4. Clean house: get my dad scheduled to visit assisted living facility by 3/9
  5. Learn to trade (secondary objective):
    ** Closeout my positions by 3/30
    ** Finish the options course by 4/15
    ** Develop a journaling process to gather data on my progress by 4/20

Easy peezy.