Current Objectives - 2024_03
I have so many things I want to do and create. So many interests. I also have so many responsibilities. Two young children (both under 3). A demanding senior level cybersecurity incident responder job.
The only way I'll succeed is with focus. The best way to manifest is to focus on what you are most passionate about, and pursue it - dream of it, feel it, imagine it as if it were here - until you feel you can't go any further. (Maybe there is a "stop sign" to your current progress, or something seemingly unrelated that you have to do first.)
These objectives are what I'm currently most passionate about. Goals will come out of this.
Securely acquire permanent, sustainable financial freedom -- possibly with financial independence first, along the path.
- My intuition says my next milestone for this objective is to build and maintain a site that offers free security risk reviews of defi/web3 projects for investors.
- I also have some sniping bot tests to finish up so I can say I exhausted every angle of an experiment I was running.
Clean up household issues.
- House literally needs some cleaning and organization.
- Family issues like elderly parents, etc., also need to get cleaned up.
Learn to trade.
- I've always wanted to learn to trade, but I think this skill will take a lot of time before I get good with it.
- Plays into dreams I have related to algo-trading bots and time series forecasting ML.
I'll specify the most immediate goals next.
[All along the way, I also could use some attention on my own self-care. Meditation. Discipline. Qigong and stretching. I've neglected it all for years now.]